Every Blog has to have a “Hello World” post, right?

It’s amazing how some lessons never change.  I can remember the first (personal) computers and early lessons in junior high – creating drawings with LOGO and simple programming with Basic.  In true Geek fashion, I still recall fondly the days of visiting a Radio Shack and programming the computers on display to perpetually print “Hello World” or some other such nonsense, of course at the frustration of many a sales person.

Even with other programming languages I learned in high school and college, including FORTRAN, Pascal, C, COBOL, and Java – one of the very first lessons was always a simple program to output “Hello World” to some display or print device.

If you haven’t done so already, challenge yourself to learn something new and create your “Hello World” blog today!  Hang around, and you may even find a way to provide value to others with your new skills!

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